Kai Turner

Kai Turner

Open for casual work or internships!

NSW Young Scientist of The Year

What is the STANSW Young Scientist Award program?

The Young Scientist Awards Program celebrates the scientific investigations, technological innovations, and mathematical inquiries of K-12 school students across in NSW. Since 1992, the Program has been encouraging students to undertake innovative projects and investigations to find creative solutions to real-world problems. The Program aims to encourage and celebrate excellence in STEM through inquiry-based learning.  The Young Scientist Awards is the premier curriculum-based STEM initiative that encourages and inspires inquiry-based learning in Science, Technology, Engineering Studies and Maths classes. Students are required to conduct a scientific investigation and/or design and build a model of an innovative device or application. They may also submit an investigation that demonstrates the application of mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills.

What is the Young Scientist of the year award?

The young scientist of the year award and title is given to the student with the best project across all age groups and all disciplines of the entire award program in that given year, chosen from approximately 700 entries. In 2022, I was honoured to receive this award for my project “TARS – Transmission-Line Assessment and Review System”

What other awards did I win?

At the STANSW Young Scientist Awards, I was also presented the Australian Institute of Physics Most Outstanding Physics Award, given to the most outstanding physics project representing robotics across all discplines and ages, as well as second place in the Innovation and Engineering Design Award category.