Kai Turner

Kai Turner

Open for casual work or internships!

ISEF 1st place and best project award

Me in front of the ISEF exhibit hall

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What is the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)?

The Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is an annual science fair in the United States. Each May, more than 1500 students from roughly 70 countries and territories compete in the fair for scholarships, tuition grants, internships, scientific field trips and the grand prizes. Individual science projects and team science projects both compete for prizes. Teams are composed of two to as many as four high school students (grades 9–12). In addition to the judging of projects and an open session for the public to view them, there time is set aside for students to experience the host city with tours and activities. A significant component of the program is social, as students interact with each other during mixers and ceremonies. Throughout much of the week, various seminars are also held for students, mentors, and teachers.

What Grand award did I win?

During my time at ISEF, after a long period of extensive judging and presenting, I was fortunate to receive 1st place in the category of “Robotics and Intelligent machines”, one of the largest categories of the fair, meaning I placed first globally out of all robotics projects in 2023. At the Highschool level this is the highest level robotics achievement possible in the world for an individual. I was honoured to receive this award for my project “TARS – Transmission-Line Assessment and Review System”.

What other awards did I win?

At the ISEF I was also awarded the SAE International best project award. Out of all 1600+ projects from 70+ different countries I was awarded one of three of these awards meaning that the international society of automotive engineers deemed my project 1 of the 3 best engineering projects out of the whole fair.