Kai Turner

Kai Turner

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International Science School Scholarship

What is the International Science School

The Professor Harry Messel International Science School is an internationally recognized, selective, educational science event that happens in July every 2 years. 90 Students from around Australia (50 from NSW), as well as 48 international students, are individually selected after applying to attend the ISS event. Students are selected based on their performance at their school performance (mainly sciences), extracurricular and academic achievements, extracurricular activities and previous related awards and honours. Complete scholarship allows students given this prestigious award the chance to attend without fees.

How scholar’s are selected

Scholarships are determined by a multitude of factors. A large component of the selection process is the assessment of school grades, students who have been granted a scholarship must retain outstanding marks. Additionally, scholars are assessed based on their leadership, communication and passion in STEM fields through written, video and interview submissions.