Kai Turner

Kai Turner

Open for casual work or internships!

Creativity in Design & Engineering

This award is presented to one Australian team every year and in 2022 the robot I co-designed was given this award. The creativity in design award is described by FIRST® as an award that “Celebrates an innovative control system or application of control components – electrical, mechanical or software – to provide unique machine functions.”

Dean’s List Semi-Finalist

What is the Dean’s List Semi-Finalist Award

The Dean’s List Semi-Finalist award is given to a Student who: Demonstrates leadership and commitment to the FIRST core values (e.g. “to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.”), Is effective at increasing awareness of STEM and FIRST in the school and community, Shows interest in and passion for a long-term commitment to FIRST, Greatly contributes to their team in many aspects, has technical expertise and passion, shows entrepreneurship creativity, Shows the ability to motivate and lead fellow team members.

Engineering Inspiration Award

The robot I worked on and operated (pictured above) won the Engineering inspiration award during the March 2019 Australian FRC regional competition.

What is the Engineering Inspiration award?

As described by the FIRST organisation, the Engineering Inspiration award celebrates outstanding success in advancing respect and appreciation for engineering within a team’s school or organization and community. It is awarded based on: Extent and inventiveness of the team’s efforts to recruit students to engineering with particular emphasis on the most recent year’s efforts, Measurable success of those efforts, Extent and effectiveness of the team’s community outreach efforts with particular emphasis on the most recent year’s efforts. Measurable success of those efforts, commitment to science and technology education among the team, school, and community, Achievement of the FIRST mission and ability to communicate that at the competition and away from it.